HomeDocsAnnouncement Bar

Announcement Bar

Announcement Bar

Announcement Settings

Announcement Text: This field allows you to enter the text that will be displayed in the announcement bar. You can use rich text formatting options (bold, italic, underline) available in the text editor.

Additionally, you can use the {{TIMER}} placeholder to display a countdown timer representing the duration for which the cart is reserved.

Timer (minutes): Here, you can specify the duration (in minutes) for which the cart will be reserved. This value will be substituted for the {{TIMER}} placeholder in the announcement text.

Announcement Once Timer Ends: This dropdown lets you choose what action to take once the timer ends. The current option is “Hide Announcement Bar”, which will make the announcement bar disappear after the specified time.

Announcement Design

  • Text Size: This setting allows you to adjust the font size of the announcement text.
  • Background Color: Here, you can set the background color of the announcement bar using a hexadecimal color code or a color picker.
  • Border Width: This option lets you control the width (thickness) of the border around the announcement bar.
  • Border Color: Use this setting to choose the color of the border around the announcement bar.
  • Border Radius: These four fields allow you to define the border radius (rounded corners) for each corner of the announcement bar separately. Setting a value of 0 will result in square corners, while higher values will create increasingly rounded corners.