Cart Title: This field allows you to set the title or heading that will be displayed at the top of the cart section. By default, it is set to “SHOPPING CART”, but you can change it to any text you prefer.
Subtotal Text: This field lets you customize the text that will be displayed next to the subtotal amount in the cart. By default, it is set to “Subtotal”, but you can modify it as desired.
Checkout Button: Here, you can change the text displayed on the “Checkout” button in the cart. By default, it is set to “CHECKOUT”, but you can adjust it to suit your preferences.
Cart Design
Title Size: This setting allows you to adjust the font size of the cart title or heading. You can enter a numerical value to set the desired size.
Close Icon Size: This option lets you control the size of the close icon or button, typically used to close or dismiss the cart overlay or popup. You can specify the size in pixels or any other appropriate unit.
Cart Text Color: This setting allows you to choose the color of the text within the cart section, such as product names, prices, and descriptions. You can enter a hexadecimal color code (e.g., #000000 for black) or select a color using a color picker.
Close Icon Color: This option lets you set the color of the close icon or button used to close or dismiss the cart overlay or popup.
Subtotal Font Size: Here, you can adjust the font size of the subtotal text and amount displayed in the cart.
Subtotal Text Color: This setting allows you to choose the color of the subtotal text and amount displayed in the cart.
Button Text Size: This option lets you control the font size of the text displayed on the checkout button in the cart.
Button Text Color: Here, you can choose the color of the text on the checkout button in the cart.
Button Radius: This setting allows you to adjust the roundness or curvature of the corners of the checkout button. A value of 0 will result in a square button, while higher values will create increasingly rounded corners.
Button Background Color: This option lets you set the background color of the checkout button in the cart.